Thursday, December 16, 2010

Christmas in Texas

Candy & Roly have regular visitors on their back porch next to their kitchen! This raccoon family has discovered their bird feeder that sets on the wrought iron railing. The coon family manages to climb 20 steps then somehow climb this railing clean out all the goodies. . .poor birds! With cute babies like these twins, why not feed them? But when their adults, beware. As a teenager, my Wakarusa friends asked me to go coon hunting one fall. We trekked miles following coon hounds over fences, thru fields farms, mud and all in the dark! After what seemed like hours of misery chasing these dogs, they finally managed to tree a big raccoon. When the rest of us finally caught up, they handed be the rifle and told me to shoot between the eyes!!!! The gun was trembling as I tried to sight the target. . .after two shots, the coon started down the tree! Wounded, and still hanging on with 3 dogs jumping and anxious to tear him apart, he finally let go! Out-numbered, it was all these dogs could handle before finally winning the battle! I was overwhelmed with this ordeal and decided that coon hunting wasn't for me. Since then, I have encountered several raccoons and would say beware, they are mean critters! And if it were me or them, I would either run like mad or get my 22 and guess what!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Advent Faire in Ashland

For 10 years now, Esther and I have volunteered to set up and manage a "Sand Candle" making area at our annual Advent Faire. This has become a popular event where families can make Christmas decorations. Swags, wreaths, centerpieces, ornaments, sand candles, etc. And as you might guess, the making of sand candles is usually the most popular craft. We manage to help families create about 30 candles. . .starting from making the mold in wet sand, pouring hot wax into the mold at about 285 degrees F., then dripping the color chosen into the hot wax. It usually takes at least 2 hours from start to finish. Before the final touch, we use a propane torch to heat an ice pick then make a hole & immediately insert a stiff wick to complete the candle. Jana, Lori, Esther, Adam and I worked like mad from 10am (having things ready for the rush at 12 noon) and finishing with clean up at 4pm with no breaks! Some crafts were free, others cost were $1 & $2. It was a tiring but rewarding day!!!!

Monday, December 6, 2010

November Trip

November has slipped by too fast!!! We left Nov. 2 for Branson, Missouri and took 3 weeks to enjoy fun and family. The shows were excellent and the weather was great! We saw Roly's in Corsicana, TX and relatives in Phoenix, AZ. We were glad to get home just in time for our first blast of winter and a good Indiana snow storm! The photos are just a flavor of Branson and TX.
The US Air Force Jazz Band provided a super, free concert. . .although, we pay bigtime with taxes! Then a grand performance with Shoji, especially the best restrooms in the US in that theater that Carlon K. is checking out!
Esther & Chris Kress look over the Vietnam traveling memorial listing all who lost their lives.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Cal State University

Amanda, our grand daughter, is now in her 2nd year at California State University in Monterey Bay on the coast. She got to move out of Freshmen confined quarters to upper class quarters with more room! She is enjoying her studies and is beginning her softball league schedule. She's hoping that her 3 base spot will open this year. They have been one of the top teams in their league and hope she has a great year!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

5th Grade Football in Eugene

Brady Hazelton, Jana & Paul's 5th grader has graduated to tackle football. He was a star at tag football and now enjoys playing the tackle position on the offensive line. It's his job to protect the quarterback who takes the ball and passes it or hands it to someone or runs with it. In the photo it's Brady who is holding back 3 of the other team in white shirts!!! It's pretty hard to get thru when Brady is there! He loves the game and plays hard!! Good job Brady!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Adam's Water Polo Team

Lori & Bob have watched Adam begin his career in Water Polo. Now a Junior in High School, Adam is helping the Ashland Grizzly Polo team to a winning season! Recently, they won a big tournament in Redmond, Oregon and last week-end they won all 4 games against some of their toughest competition in Eugene. Adam and his best friend Forrest, combined for 9 goals to beat Cottage Grove. . .he then scored 10 more goals in 3 games to get wins over both Eugene teams and a Marist teams. Ashland won the state last year and this year their headed for another championship. They just returned from Rocklin, CA near Sacramento, where they met some of the toughest teams in the West. And as you can see, Adam always draws a crowd! Congratulations to Adam and his team!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Big Party in Texas

Holly & Joe Pair had a big party in Corsicana to celebrate Blake's 3rd birthday. They splashed and played and ate cake with Roly & Candy and Ashley and Zack. Blake certainly enjoyed the sandy beach at least for the camera. We all would have loved to be there to join in the celebration!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Jana & Paul Vacation in Belize

If you want a vacation outside of the U.S.A., Jana & Paul & kids would suggest Belize: a small country in Central America next to Guatemala on the Caribbean Sea. It's a simple country with simple prices and simple living. Seafood is plentiful if you catch it or find the right restaurant. The roads are even simple and sometimes hard to find which makes this vacation spot a grand family adventure! They swam with the turtles and fish, snorkeled and kayaked and got plenty of sun. Sometimes more than they wanted. They hiked narrow trails and found waterfalls and tarantula spiders as big as your hand, climbed coconut trees and even ate raw coconut! Derrick, Brady & Payton came home full of adventure stories and experiences in simple nature. . .and they all survived in good shape ready for another adventure to who knows where!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Ashland About 3 Weeks After

Nearly 3 weeks after the horrible fire, life goes on. Everyday the stark remains of our neighbors houses lie dormant and lifeless. Nothing has been done to remove any of these scares. Asbestos red tape and insurance haggling continue to hold up any signs of rebuilding. Several families have decided to abandon Oak Knoll and relocate. On our side of the street, burnt pages from Bibles and other books catch the wind and dot the street and our yards as daily reminders. We pick up the pages as if a heavenly sign and search for a sign of wisdom amid the paragraphs.

But, life goes on. . .I'm sure the hummingbirds that live here year round were frightened and wondered if they would have to build a new nest. Their home is next to the street in our big evergreen where the firetrucks parked for the day. They must have watched the fire from a safe place in the tops of other trees but they have returned and still enjoy the feeders. But now they must wait their turn as One Red Headed Woodpecker has learned to balance on the feeder rim and enjoy a sweet drink several times a day!!! We couldn't believe the sight. I finally got a photo without scaring her away, a delightful sight in the middle of rubble.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Ashland Fire on Oak Knoll

Who would believe that in a small town with an over abundance of Police and the latest and best fire department coverage, that a simple fire started accidentally by a homeless man would get out of control, jump the Interstate and roar up our street demolishing 11 homes and damaging 4 others. When the firefighters finally got to our street, 3 homes were already engulfed in flames and we were running to get our car keys to get out!!! It was about 10 minutes before the first truck got there along with 3 helicopters! Within the hour there were 16 Ashland & out of town fire depts pumping water as fast as they could. As Esther and I walked back, everything was blocked so I circled back of our house thru the golf course and on the street behind our house and the smoke was so strong it appeared that our place was on fire. There were two firetrucks directly in front desperately trying to save the houses directly across from us. The only house still standing is the flat roof house across from our front door. The photo of the trucks I took at the corner where you go to the golf course. If you look thru the haze, behind the trucks are the large pine trees in our front yard. You can see the burnt spot on our front walk that nearly fired up the two pine trees that border the street and our walk to our front door. The firemen shoveled dirt from our yard to put out this spot fire. The huge pine tree back by our patio has been seared and the damaged needles are now blowing over everything. This seems so insignificant as we are reminded every time we go outside of the heartache our neighbors are experiencing. Tomorrow is trash day and I cannot make myself put our trash out in the morning amid the piles of burnt memories and debris from our neighbors losses. You realize in a hurry that material things are so unimportant when your running for your lives. Jesus said, "Don't be attached to this world" . . . I understand that better today. I'm sure Shawna, Dan & Sheila's daughter, also understands since she too lost all her possessions this year when her apartment burned while she was at work. Like our neighbors, all they had was the clothes on their backs and no bed and place to go home to. We haven't heard any whining or complaining only concerns about their temporary housing and dealing with insurance and rebuilding. Today some came back and looked again and wondered. . .as the reality sinks in. Remember the Oak Knoll folks in your prayers.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Portland, OR at Dan's

Last Monday & Tuesday, we joined Dan and Sheila in Portland to get acquainted with Wes, Jaime's husband and their daughter Celeste who will be 1 year old Sept. 3. Celeste is our 2nd great grand daughter and another wonderful addition to the Freed clan. Wes is now mom and dad while Jaime is in training in the U. S. Navy at Great Lakes, Illinois. She has just entered her first training session after boot camp and gets no breaks or leaves until Christmas. Wes has stepped up as dad and is giving Celeste lots of tender loving care! As you can see, Celeste is getting plenty of attention. Even Aunt Shawna manages some motherly moments! Naturally, Esther & I are proud to add our love and support!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

After Holly & Joe's Wedding

Lori was also busy taking photos and captured Esther & I with Roly after the wedding. She then departed the next day for Boulder Dam, Sedona and the Grand Canyon. Adam & Amanda along with her boyfriend Will took in more Vegas Strip sights then on to Arizona for a few days to take in some of their natural wonders. They had a great time sliding down the rocks into natural pools. . .although a little rough on the behinds!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Holly & Joe Wed in Las Vegas

July 17, we all gathered in Vegas for Holly's wedding in Paris! The Paris Hotel's Chapel provided a wonderful setting for their special day. Holly and Joe became a Pair at the Paris. They wanted a small wedding and about 35 family and friends attending. Everyday is beautiful in LasVegas and everyday is hot in LasVegas. . .114 degrees all week-end! Thank goodness for great air conditioning! Roly & Candy were delighted and were great hosts. We even had a special pool site on Friday and we all enjoyed the cool pool. The wedding went well and the hotel minister did an excellent job making this wedding personal and just for them. His admonition was benefited us all. We then walked to P. F. Changs for the reception, about a block away - thank goodness it wasn't far! We all enjoyed a wonderful lite buffet and celebrated this memorial event. CONGRATULATIONS HOLLY & JOE!!! Holly is now Holly Pair!
Note: We could not use flash, so photos are not the quality I wanted.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Roses in Ashland

We're lover's of Roses and have 35 rose bushes mostly in front of our house. This year they had a hard start. . .Sending shoots in March and trying from then well into May between cold spells and warm days finally are hitting their stride the middle of June! But they're well worth waiting on. We are thoroughly enjoying them both outside and inside. Esther has her tricks on feeding and spraying and I do the pruning & most of the spraying. Because of the 35 varieties, we have name stakes on them all. And the nice thing about roses, they bloom until the first frost! And to be sure they do, I have installed drippers on each bush which waters them twice a day and all with a battery operated valve on an outdoor hose spigot!

And, Ashland has a long history of July 4th celebrations. We have a large parade and along our famous Lithia Park, vendors set up food stands and craft shops where 1000's gathered for a festive day! We enjoy a walk among the bazaar sights and tried several food stops. We were reminded that all food vendors get top dollar as we tried a $2 Taco. We could hardly see it. I've never seen a 4 inch taco with a tablespoon of meat! . . .but we sat by the creek and enjoyed all 3 bites along with a $2 snow cone that was worth 50 cents but was cold and wet. It was a wonderful day of remembering and being thankful for our freedom!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Morels in June

We have never hunted mushrooms in June but we've had colder weather this year and had snow the last of May. So our grandkids wanted to try on Sat. June 12!!! I figured it was a lost cause but 6 of us headed for the hills. We decided to check some of our favorite spots and found several morels close to the side road we parked on. Suddenly I heard my name loud and clear! I knew it was Adam, who told me to hurry! On the way I spotted a very nice yellow morel! And when I finally reached Adam, he told me to look across the road and I couldn't believe my eyes. . .two of the biggest yellow morels I have ever seen! . . .the size of 2 softballs! 10 minutes before, I had walked thru this area because several years ago, we had found a nice batch here, but I failed to look on that side of the road. What a find for Adam! Their weight was 12 ounces! We ended up at another favorite place where we hadn't found much this year or last and with the kids and several friends we found a few here and there when Amanda hollered and we all gathered to help. It was a great patch of large grey & yellow morels. By the time we finished, we had found 6 1/2 pounds!!! Today, the weather has turned even colder so I'll probably try again this week!