Saturday, June 19, 2010

Morels in June

We have never hunted mushrooms in June but we've had colder weather this year and had snow the last of May. So our grandkids wanted to try on Sat. June 12!!! I figured it was a lost cause but 6 of us headed for the hills. We decided to check some of our favorite spots and found several morels close to the side road we parked on. Suddenly I heard my name loud and clear! I knew it was Adam, who told me to hurry! On the way I spotted a very nice yellow morel! And when I finally reached Adam, he told me to look across the road and I couldn't believe my eyes. . .two of the biggest yellow morels I have ever seen! . . .the size of 2 softballs! 10 minutes before, I had walked thru this area because several years ago, we had found a nice batch here, but I failed to look on that side of the road. What a find for Adam! Their weight was 12 ounces! We ended up at another favorite place where we hadn't found much this year or last and with the kids and several friends we found a few here and there when Amanda hollered and we all gathered to help. It was a great patch of large grey & yellow morels. By the time we finished, we had found 6 1/2 pounds!!! Today, the weather has turned even colder so I'll probably try again this week!

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