Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Kids Baseball in Eugene

Baseball just ended in Eugene and Jana & Paul's kids were involved every week-end. We drove to Eugene on a rainy Sunday and saw Derrick and Brady run the bases. Derrick is in the T-Ball stage and Brady now faces a pitcher. Both boys hit the ball and got on base and scored several runs. . .exciting for everyone. Brady even got to pitch part of the game. It was a great time for all including Payton who just got her first cell phone! . . so texting is all she does now except while in school . . .no cell phones allowed. Do you remember what it's like to lug the kids and all the stuff to their games?

After the game, we headed for Burger King where we all had Burgers and hot out fries except Derrick, the first grader, who still has to have his Chicken Tenders!

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