Thursday, June 30, 2011

Tough ReHab

Thought you should see all the rough & tough rehab they are putting me thru at the hospital in Medford. All the nurses insist on 15 minutes on the tread mill with an incline of 4 degrees and a speed of nearly 2.5 - which is almost running!!! I can hardly keep up. . .that's when the whip comes out! After this workout, it's the arm/peddle to the metal. . .another 15 minutes! Of course they make me stretch before and after - and if there's time, I must do 1 or 2 complete arm lifts with 3 pound barbells and that means 15 lifts per exercise!!!! After all this and a viciden, I'm ready to be wheeled out the door! It's a tough life and I say avoid surgery if you can! And besides, I have to pay for all this attention!!! Oh well, I'm just resigned to it by now!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Sailing over Applegate Valley

Parasailing has come to our area!!! The largest gathering of parasailors, on the west coast, took off and landed in the Applegate Valley, about 25 miles from Ashland, near Jacksonville, Oregon. Nearly 175 jumpers from around the world, competed here. Points were achieved for their world standings! We decided to investigate this past Friday. Entering the Applegate Valley from Jacksonville, we were greeted by at least 40 parasailors at about 2000 ft. It was a spectacular sight and almost impossible to photograph with 24X! We eventually found that their assignment for the day was to catch a thermal and fly from Ruch, Oregon to Talent, Oregon, about 15 miles! using only wind currents!!! Since Talent is only about 5 miles from Ashland, we headed home, hoping to find their landing sight!!! Taking back roads thru orchards and staying as close to the mountains as possible, we began seeing 2 to 4 parasailors appearing in the sky searching for their landing spot. We finally found a road that took us to within 1/4 mile and several folks had gathered shooting photos from long distance!!! What a sight as we watched about 20 chutes glide in for a smooth landing!!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Morels in June

I decided to take one last look for morels today, June 20! Absolutely, the latest I have ever hunted mushrooms that I remember. All I had to do was call Will, our granddaughter, Amanda's boyfriend and they were both willing to go with me!!! We headed up the mountain to our favorite places to make one last check, since everything has been late this year and only a week ago, there was snow at one of these places. The snow was gone but we only found 5 morels. It is now about 4:30 in the afternoon on a beautiful, warm day even at 5000 ft. We decided to hit one more place close to Hyatt Lake where we always found morels in years past. We parked and headed up the hill. A half hour later, with empty hands we decided to call it quits and headed back to the truck. We knew finally that the season was almost over . . .lots of green growth and insects everywhere! I was on the road when Amanda hollered!!! One, two, three, four, . .hurry you gotta see this!!! Will and I hurried and within sight of the truck, there was a patch of 15 beautiful fresh morels. . .those you see in the photo weighing nearly 2 pounds!!! We couldn't believe it. . .that close to the truck and we had already given up our search for the year!!! And behold!!!!! Amanda saved the day and our last outing for the year gave us a send off for next year!!! Mushrooms in June!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Morels in Oregon

It can't be a month since my last posing but I'm still in slow gear even though the re-hab folks at the hospital are pushing me with exercise including bar bell lifts! In spite of these detours, I've managed to hunt mushrooms in the hills around Ashland. The doctor thought if I agreed to surgery by March 24, I could possibly be ready to hunt by the later part of May. We did and found morels every time we hunted but they were fewer and farther between. We are still hunting and it's now June 12 with plans to try again this week. Will, Amanda's boyfriend has become one of our best hunters and last Wednesday on our way out of the woods, we made a quick check at a place I usually find a few. . .you guessed it, Will walked right to a patch of 5 large morels!!! This made our day!! These measured between 4 & 5 inches helping us bag about 2 1/2 pounds for the day. All our favorite places are way behind in growth including snow still on the ground. If we don't find more this week, I'm ready to hang it up for this season!