Sunday, June 12, 2011

Morels in Oregon

It can't be a month since my last posing but I'm still in slow gear even though the re-hab folks at the hospital are pushing me with exercise including bar bell lifts! In spite of these detours, I've managed to hunt mushrooms in the hills around Ashland. The doctor thought if I agreed to surgery by March 24, I could possibly be ready to hunt by the later part of May. We did and found morels every time we hunted but they were fewer and farther between. We are still hunting and it's now June 12 with plans to try again this week. Will, Amanda's boyfriend has become one of our best hunters and last Wednesday on our way out of the woods, we made a quick check at a place I usually find a few. . .you guessed it, Will walked right to a patch of 5 large morels!!! This made our day!! These measured between 4 & 5 inches helping us bag about 2 1/2 pounds for the day. All our favorite places are way behind in growth including snow still on the ground. If we don't find more this week, I'm ready to hang it up for this season!

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