Friday, July 6, 2012

Texas Fish Story

Deep in the heart of Texas, near the quiet village of Milford, a suburb of Corsicana, lies a small lake about 10 miles long and a mile wide.  Lurking in the shallows are monster fish just waiting for the juicy toes of swimmers unaware of these nibblers who enjoy such morsels!  The usual bait is worms, minnows, grubs and a variety of spinners, divers and plastic scented worms.  Now and then you nail a 5 pound largemouth bass or what Texans call hybrids, a combination of bass with silver skin that glimmers in the moonlight and usually weigh 3 pounds and up and fun to catch!!!  But the catfish and gar monsters don't come along very often and are usually wise enough to avoid these common baits. Their looking for a chicken or duck, any big meal!  With a 5 foot catfish with a mouth big enough to eat 1 pound crappie,  you have to go prepared to hook this monster!  Then what do you do after being hooked?  We'll have to ask Tyler how he landed this 30 pound sea monster!  And we need to ask Joel and Blake,  Holly and Joe's pair,  how they managed to get that gar on the dock?  If that gar was chasing them in the water,  I'm sure they would have made it to the pier before the gar!  It looks like they were having lots of fun!  You know that they say,  everything is bigger in Texas.

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