Friday, August 10, 2012

Hummers Are Back

We have a pair of Hummingbirds that stay at our place year round.  Most hummers migrate to warmer
climates during our winter.  Since we only have the two,these feeders last a month without refilling.  BUT, this summer,  all the Hummers in Ashland have found our feeders and the two feeders are lasting about 2 days!!  I can now stand almost directly under this feeder and they buzz around so I can feel the wind of their wings!  A neighbor joined me today but was frightened away because they came too close!!!  These little flying machines are very territorial and actually peck a bird to chase them away.  They are like a squadron of airplanes fighting each other for the right to sit and drink!  There are usually at least 12 zooming in and around at 60 mph,  stopping in mid-air and zooming out of sight in 2 seconds flat!  These Hummingbirds are a marvel of our Creators handiwork and very fascinating to watch!!

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