Saturday, February 9, 2013

The Navy Comes to Ashland

Dan Sheila and Shawna were delighted to learn that the Navy was docking Jaime's ship on the East Coast for a year long maintenance!  This news brought Jaime and Celeste back to Portland for a two week leave.  Included was a trip to Ashland where we all had a second Christmas the middle of January, 2013!  Celeste was the life of the party.  She ran after the two Collie dogs,  enjoyed our cupboard of toys and cartoons at Lori's new place.  We were delighted to have Dan's and Jaime's spend time with us in Ashland  All this happened a month ago and in the meantime,  my printer of  3 years stopped working and with this dilemma,  I decided to finalize the purchase of a new computer.  This step is always a dreaded decision!  I have been going through the shakedown process and this is my first attempt to get back to Blog postings which was a bumpy ride to this point.  It looks like things are finally working again and today I again was able to print copy on the new wireless printer!  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

good pictures favorite is the one with celeste on jaime's back... so cute.. jana