Sunday, March 3, 2013

Trees Unseen

The winter drive to the coast reveals the inner structure of trees never seen in other seasons.  You can easily discover the many groves of Alder trees that become hidden behind their leaf coverings.  Winter disrobes all leaf bearing trees leaving them naked in Winter's brisk winds.  If you dare look,  you'll enjoy their stature, their bark and limb structure.  After many groves of Alders,  you then notice the moss, the scale, the mistletoe - the parasites that gradually drain the life from these forests.  However,  to me,  moss is most fascinating.  This velvet cover,  glistens in the sunlight giving the trees that have embraced this cloak,  a rich beauty.  These photos hardly portray that the eye sees.  Soon, as the leaves appear,  what is very visible now, will disappear.  And next year, about now,  if you dare look,  you will notice this beauty again and, no doubt,  a few of these trees will be gone.

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