Friday, June 21, 2013

Big Move in Eugene

Jana and Paul finally sold their house after waiting over 2 years of listings.  The BIG move came on Friday June 7th.and on that morning Brady, who had been struggling for several weeks with a hip injury,  was taken to the doctor. X-rays revealed dislocated hip plates in both joints!  The doc immediately admitted him for surgery that very evening.  Esther and I had left Ashland early that Friday and learned on our way to Eugene what was happening to Brady that evening at 7pm!  Jana had now escaped moving - instead she spent all day and night with Brady in the hospital!  About 6pm that evening,  Brady called me, half dopey from surgery preparation, and asked me about the pin I had in my shoulder and also wondered about stitches!  I tried to relieve his fears and it wasn't long until I couldn't understand his words.  We had been busy all day cleaning the old place and the new place in preparation for rug cleaning.  Brady survived with a pin in each hip plate and only 1 stitch on each hip.  He is getting used to 6 weeks on crutches but is glad to be in their new home.

Meanwhile,  Paul was engineering this big move.  One load of dressers and bedding was unloaded by him and Payton before his heavy lifters arrived.  You can see Derrick and Paul loading up the backyard but they managed to avoid the front yard. Payton and her grandpa Hazelton unpacked the kitchen stuff and late Saturday afternoon,  Jana finally arrived on the scene desperately trying to find bathroom and kitchen boxes. They managed to sleep in their new home that Saturday, June 8 for a much needed rest!

They love their new home at  3451 Parish St.   Eugene, OR  97401.

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