Monday, June 3, 2013

Oregon Morels

It's been over 20 years since Dans, Rolys and Lori have traveled to Oregon to enjoy the Morel Mushroom season together.  And at this prime time for mushrooms,  Jana and Paul in Eugene, Oregon managed to sell their house after 2 years on the market.  Their buying and closing came during this same week! We missed them but felt their presence among us.

After a shaky Memorial Day week-end with rain and snow, it managed to clear up the next day after Roly and Candy arrived from Texas.  Tuesday early,  with rain gear, boots, bags and packed lunches,  we headed into the mountains for morels.  Our first stop we found just a couple mushrooms and begin to wonder if we would find any which usually is late in the season.  We moved on to higher elevation to another favorite spot.
And it wasn't long before Lori got us going with what we call a "patch".  You will notice the orange bag in the photos.  When anyone finds a mushroom,  we drop a bag and circle the bag usually finding more morels in that area.  One patch led to another and everyone was delighted to find fresh morels!  We broke for a tailgate lunch and went back into the woods for more morels.  By 5pm  we were all tired and delighted with all the mushrooms in the back of the van!  A weary group rambled down the mountain and eagerly weighed our treasure. . .slightly over 15 pounds!!!  What a day!   Then, back again the next day for more.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jerry -

Can you email me at

We are coming to the West Coast for 3 weeks (from San Francisco to Vancouver) and we would like to stop by Ashland if you are around.

Hope everyone is well,