Friday, October 25, 2013

Big Changes

Whether your a little boy or a big boy,  there are just some things that are life changing! Down Texas way,  Blake is all excited about losing that first tooth!  I imagine,  Holly and Joe had a BIG celebration when that tooth got pulled or fell out! and all happening with new baby Evan is getting most of the attention. We're all
"pulling" for you Blake to keep your place among the Pair's!

Meanwhile,  Adam,  Lori's water polo star found a peach in Portland!  He's been avoiding women lately but stumbled seriously when a new face startled him on his way to class at Portland State.  He opened the door for her and Divine providence brought her back to the same door a week later!  He stumbled through and fumbled for words to ask her name!  Hallie and Adam have now become eating companions!  She has even made a trip to Ashland and Adam a trip to Portland to meet her parents and family.  I believe her family will be taking a vote on whether they approve since Adam is the first boyfriend Hallie has introduced to her family.  And as all of you know, it's always best to get our family's approval too.  These relationships are always a package deal!  (Click on photo to enlarge)

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