Wednesday, November 13, 2013

California to Eugene

The week of Halloween,  we headed for San Diego to spend time with our college friends, the Kresses.  On the way we had lunch with a former colleague,  now 96 years old, living in Pasadena.  After nearly a week in San Diego,  we headed for Seaside, California. Seeing Lori's Amanda was almost on our way home!  We had dinner on Cannery Row and spent time with Amanda at her work in the Monterrey Bay Aquarium. We spent the next night with the Pannabecker's in Los Gatos, only about 5 blocks from our route home.  They too are college friends which makes for great conversations and a delightful overnight stay. We almost forgot what San Francisco free way driving was like but with GPS we managed quite well to weave our way back over the Grapevine with a stop at the giant discount mall!  There we stumbled into a Tahoe Joes Restaurant. . .a great experience!

We no sooner got somewhat rested when we were on the road again by 7am on our way to Corvallis, Oregon to see the State Water Polo tournament.  Lori, Adam and Hallie, Adams new girl friend were there. Adam had been assisting Ashland's new coach.  Adam was on the Ashland Championship team and knows the game well. We spent most of the day inside in very warm conditions! After an evening meal with Lori and the team,  we headed for Jana & Paul's place in Eugene.

We relaxed in their new home with the family,  catching up with Derrick, Brady and Payton.  It was hard to believe that after a pleasant nights rest, we would see Derrick making breakfast over a hot grill! With Paul's help they fed us well just before we headed for Ashland. But, we pondered the trip,  why not head for the coast,  mow the yard,  make the beds and then continue our trip to Ashland!  It worked and so did we making it home about 8pm,  not before we had a wonderful Halibut dinner with an ocean view at Winchester Bay.  I did get some rest and up in time Sunday morn to sing with an octet at church!  It will probably take at least 2 weeks to get rested up!

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