Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Winter in Ashland

Winter comes to Ashland about every twenty years!  Since we've lived here over 20,  we've now seen two winters that we remember!  Eight inches of snow,  3 nights at 8 degrees,  schools cancelled for the past 3 days, no bus transportation, Lori can't get her car out or up her hill if she could.  She has to walk several blocks to get a ride and to get home.  It's just like many Indiana winters in distant memory!  But we managed to get to Church Sunday and our Advent Faire went on with the show!  Lori, Esther and I continued to help folks make sand candles.  You can see one delighted customer carefully taking her candle!  We had fewer customers this year and still made about 25 candles!  It's a busy days work and very rewarding to share in the happy responses.  We are always delighted with our Christmas tree,  the lights scattered around our town and the warmth of the wonderful memories in our storeroom of valuables!  Your are all a great part of those memories and we're still here to enjoy them!  This Christmas-Christian Season is always special!

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