Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Texas Midnight Swim

After a busy 4th of July celebration at Roly's in Texas and all settled in for the night,  frantic calls went unheeded until Tyler was able to maneuver his cell phone and called from the dock to the house getting Candy and Roly's attention.  It sounded like Tyler was in trouble and needed immediate help!  Roly in his PJ's ran for the dock and found Tyler desperately hanging on to something extremely heavy on the other end of his fish line!  What ever it was got caught in the fish feeder at the end of the dock.  Realizing the problem,  Roly located near the feeder while Tyler held the line!  Carefully Roly worked the line until he was able to untangle whatever was attached.  It immediately took off for deep water!  Tyler was back in control again and wrestled with something huge for the next 15 minutes!  Finally,  they got this monster back to the dock where Roly was able to maneuver a large net over the head of this large shark!  They both could hardly lift this monster up onto the dock where Roly instructed Tyler to remove the hook before it got all tangled in the net!  To Roly's surprise,  there was no hook in it's mouth! The hook apparently was so lightly attached, it had come out as they wrestled the fish into the net.
What a catch and he then informed me that it was a Blue Catfish which as you can see was nearly 50 pounds!

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