Saturday, August 1, 2015

Dear Cottage!

Our last trip to the coast, we parked in our usual place and to our surprise, the deer had taken over in our front yard and were not happy to see us!  It was a sun shiny day and the best place in the yard was in the shade of  our Hawthorne tree!  I carefully retrieved my camera and approached the fence to get some photos.  Even within 20 feet, they were not anxious to move.  I took the photos and opened the gate.  We really didn't want them there!  Now getting pretty close,  they decided to get up,  taking their sweet time!  Staring right at me,  I wasn't sure whether I should advance or retreat!  I gave a guttural  growl and both decided to move on out thru the back fence.  They did not come back while we were there but our neighbors have told us they come back regularly when we're gone.  But now instead of dog pooh,  you guessed it,  I have to take a can and trowel and clean up the territory!

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