Monday, June 26, 2017

Water Woman

Lori would pitch a tent on the water and live there if she could!  In the meantime, she dreams of ways to get in or on the water.  She is also a certified diver and loves to swim with Dolphins when ever possible.  She and Adam will travel this fall with a local group of dentists to give their services to the locals of Jamaica.  No doubt she will spend all her off
time in the water!

In the meantime,  she decided to join the local sculling club.  They meet twice a week at our local lake and are now practicing on the water as you can see.  Last week they tested her abilities by practicing on a windy evening.  Two teams went out but one coach who travels in a separate motor boat,  lost his power and without Orr's, the strong winds pushed him and the other boat to the other side towards the rocks and trees. Lori's coach had to leave them on their inexperienced own to rescue the other boat.  As he left, he told Lori to switch places,  a maneuver no one knew how to do in a narrow boat without annny wiggle room!  Lori finally ended up in the driver's seat with no experience on how to get the scull turned around and back to the dock, which was half mile away! and dealing with strong winds!  This is a great case of the blind leading the blind!  Her experience in a fishing boat and a speed boat, helped her figure out how to get the 8 rowers to work together, turn the scull around and carefully get them back to the dock!  As you can imagine,  she is now the talk of the club and to hear the exciting story,  you'll have to ask her! (click on photo to enlarge)

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