Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Christmas Week in Ashland, Oregon

Snow, snow and more snow! Just like Indiana. The snow is supposed to stay on the mountain tops not at our level. And Portland, Oregon, where Dan & Sheila reside, have had 18 inches & Dan had to jack up his car to remove snow, install chains and with a manual winch, was able to get their car out of the driveway today, Tuesday, before Christmas! Portland has nearly shut down with the most snow in their recorded history! And more snow today & tomorrow! It is doubtful if they will make it to Ashland for Christmas.

Our Christmas Tree is just right. Selected in our mountains by Adam, we are very pleased! We thoroughly enjoy our tree. . .with it's spinning ornaments scattering droplets of light around the room. Nights are especially nice with tree lights on and fire and Christmas music, what could be nicer on a cold winter night? We still have the child in us and perhaps it's the Christ Child within enjoying His birthday celebration!
We hope you all enjoy the same Christmas wonder!
Snow photos from our front porch.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Amanda Softball News Today!!!

Lori & Bob's Amanda has taken her softball skills to 3 colleges and today got word from her first choice, California State University at Monterey CA that she made the team with a 4 year scholarship!!!! She's interested in marine biology and will be located on the shores of the Pacific Ocean!!! What a deal! Monterey is about 2 hours from San Jose in the San Francisco Bay area. She feels fortunate to be chosen and actually tried out by playing with their softball team at the University. We'll be watching for her next fall! Congratulations Amanda!

Texas Blake & Big Birthdays!

Holly & Joe's son Blake is now cruising into his second year!!! And as you can see is quite capable of getting into everything! Grandma Candy has lots of fun following him around the house cleaning up after him. . .remember all you old folks, that is exactly what your parents did for you!!!!!

Tyler & Ashley Freed also just had birthdays! Congratulations!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Ashland Water Polo Champs

Adam Good, Lori & Bob's son, is pictured in this photo appearing this week in our Ashland paper's monthly review. Can you find Adam? To the right, middle. He is number 15 & if you double click on the photo you will get a great enlargement. Both the girl's and men's teams won State Championships! A major fete for small town Ashland. Congratulations to Adam and his team for this accomplishment!

Thanksgiving in Ashland

Dan & Sheila joined Esther & I at Lori & Bob's place to celebrate Thanksgiving. Jana & Paul were hosting Paul's family in Eugene. Adam & Amanda were busy with friends and schoolwork so the week-end was more quiet than usual. In Corsicana, Texas, Roly's had their family join them at the home place. Of course they usually have warm weather in Texas and probably went boating. For them, all three of their kids are gone from the nest. Tyler, now at Colorado University, flew home while Ashley & Zack had a short drive from Austin. Holly's live a few miles away making Thanksgiving a complete family affair.

Meanwhile, back in Ashland, it took several hours for Bob & Adam to drive the group up the mountain into tree cutting areas. With a $5 permit, you can cut your own tree. They managed to find 4 suitable trees, 1 for Grandma, 1 for Lori's and Dan packed two on his car, one for them and the other for Jana's they would drop off on their way home in Eugene. The trees are now up and most decorated. We all enjoy the Christmas Season, the Christmas Tree lights and memories we are all reminded of. We were all thankful for family this Thanksgiving!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Bulletin from Corvallis, Oregon

Adam, made the first team of Ashland's Water Polo Crew, and as a freshman!!! They have been doing well this season and made the state playoffs. This week-end in Corvallis, home of the Oregon State Beavers, Ashland Water Polo won the STATE CHAMPIONSHIP! Adam got to play one quarter of the final game. Ashland is celebrating bouble. . .the Ashland Girls water polo team also won the State Championship right before the boys played their final game!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Boston & New York City for Brady

In Eugene, Oregon, Jana & Paul Hazelton started a tradition several years ago. When Payton was 8 years old, she would have the chance to travel with dad to Boston to see Aunt Robyn, Paul's sister. Payton was the first to have this opportunity when she was 8. About a month ago, it was now Brady's turn to go with dad to the East Coast to visit this Aunt and Brady was quick to remind this folks that he was now 8 years old too! The photos give you their view of the coast and Brady's excitement with New York City and the Statue of Liberty. . .a great experience for anybody! What a wonderful treat to be with your dad on such a trip!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Wakarusa, Indiana

A friend who lives in California was recently traveling thru Indiana and sent me this recent photo of Wakarusa main street. My grandfather Joseph started Freed's Shoe Store in the early 1900's. My father, Edgar Faye Freed ran the store until brother James took it over in the 1960's. Jana's middle name was given in remembrance of my dad, Edgar. The store was sold in the 1980's. The new owner employed my niece, Tammy Freed Maust, Jim's daughter, to operate the store. This owner closed the store in the 1990's. It has had other businesses occupy that space and as you can see, it has been maintained well. If you look close, you can see the store windows that for many years housed women's shoes to the left and men's to the right. I remember turning out those lights many evenings and cranking up the old canvas awnings, locking up and going home. You will remember, Jim would give us the keys to the store and we would spend the evening in the store, all by ourselves trying on shoes and usually buying a pair for each of the family! Thought you would enjoy this memory.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Big Week-End in Ashland Sports

The Hazelton family from Eugene, Jana, Payton, and Derrick, joined all of us in Ashland for the week-end. Paul and Brady took a trip to Boston to see Paul's sister, Robin. It's there tradition to take this trip when one of the kids reaches 8 years old. In Ashland, Amanda & Adam both had tournaments. . .Amanda, volleyball, and Adam, water polo. . .and both won their tournaments! Adam scored another goal as a varsity freshman and Amanda's team beat Roseburg, a team that had beaten them two times before! It was a busy time for us all. . .shopping, eating, and playing. Grandpa & Derrick's special was Burger King!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

New Ashland Photo

Adam Good, Lori & Bob's son, is now a freshman at Ashland High School and currently on the varsity Water Polo Team, one of the best in our state. He just got his first High School Photos and you all have the honor to view Adam before anybody else!!!!! Go Adam, grow tall with honor and gentleness and gratitude!!!!


Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Accident in Eugene, Oregon Update

UPDATE: Oct. 5 while Derrick was in Ashland, we removed his band aid & while swimming at the YMCA pool in Ashland, his fabric stitches came off. It looks like he has healed well and is a happy kid. He played hard all week-end!

Derrick, now 5 years old ran and quickly changed directions to meet up with a golf club in the head. He's still smiling after 5 stitches and a black eye, thankful he can smile! These accidents have happened to all of our families leaving memory scars that bond us together. We're glad that Derrick is still moving at fast speed, maybe, medium speed and wanted to go to school today with swollen eye and head bandage!!! After all, that's something to show off!

The Hazeltons, namely Jana & Paul, had a busy yesterday!

Hooray for Derrick!!!!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Hurricane Ike, Corsicana, Texas

Roly & Candy spent the day Friday, Sept. 12 removing all outside hanging things. Bird feeders, wind chimes and anything that moves came down. It was estimated that they might have 60 MPH winds for sustained periods. This meant the boats and jet skis had to be roped securely. Since Tyler was enjoying the quiet Rocky Mountain community of Boulder, Colorado at the University of Colorado, Roly and Candy had to to all the work without him!!!! We talked to them as the storm approached and during the storm just before the eye of the Hurricane reached them. They escaped with little damage but lost several large trees on the adjacent property. Roly said the rain came in sheets as the wind gusted. This lasted for most of the day. The rain was welcomed to fill the lake which was about 3 feet low leaving some dry ground close to the sea wall. This storm moved north and east towards Chicago curling over Michigan dumping rain all along the way. Roly said this storm was over 100 miles wide! Many people need help as they try to recover after the major destruction left behind.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Water Polo, Ashland, Oregon

NEWS! Saturday, Sept. 20, Adam scored his first goal!
Lori & Bob's son, Adam, is now in high school and he has joined the Polo Team. This is the upcoming sport in Oregon High Schools and Ashland has one of the best teams in the state! Last evening, we watched Adam's first water polo game here in Ashland! Before we knew it, Ashland had scored 4 points and held North Medford scoreless for the first half. And as we learned they play 4 quarters. This sport required lots of stamina! The Olympic size pool is a long way from end to end and each swimmer must defend and be offensive pressuring to keep the ball or take it away. They have 30 seconds to get the ball to their end and make a try to score. This rule makes Polo a fast moving game. As a freshman, Adam is starting from scratch and did get to play in this first game. He did a great defensive job and their group immediately scored 2 goals adding to our lead. Ashland easily won this game. It was a grand experience for us all!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Brady & Dan's Visit Lake of the Woods

Labor Day Week-end brought some of our family together at the Girl Scout Camp Echo, Lake of the Woods located about 30 miles East of Ashland, Oregon. Last year Lori secured this camp for our church and it was a big success and repeated again this year with 89 people attending. About 5000 feet elevation, this pristine location is a picture. The sun shined everyday but a cool wind blew in and Saturday night went down to 30 degrees. You needed sleeping bags, covers, warm pj's to keep warm! In spite of this cold front, the water was reasonable warm, the food good in the large dining hall marshmellow roasting each night around a huge campfire. Lori was in charge and mom and I helped in the kitchen & elsewhere. On Saturday, Dan, Sheila, Shawna and Brady arrived. Bob & Lori gave lots of speedboat rides with many daring tubers including Brady, Shawna & Amanda. Cool weather didn't slow anyone down. Adam even caught many fish along with other kids who learned to fish for the first time. If you look close, you'll find Brady, Adam, Amanda, Lori & Bob somewhere in the boats, their favorite spots on a lake! There is a lot of satisfaction in enjoying other people's enjoyment!!!!!

Corsicana, Texas Latest

Blake, now over 1 year old has started walking. Roly & Candy Freed now scramble around the house keeping Blake out of trouble while mother Holly is beginning her first year as a teacher nearby. Holly graduated from Texas A & M this past May and landed her first job this summer. Imagine the excitement of walking into a classroom full of kindergarten students! With Tyler now located in Boulder, Colorado in his first year at University, this is the first month all their kids are now living away from home base. . .a time you do and don't look forward to!!! Perhaps Blake will keep them busy this fall!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Austin, Texas Bulletin

Recently, Ashley Freed, daughter of Roly & Candy, announced her engagement to Zack Steele. The wedding date has been set for June 13, 2009 taking place in Austin, Texas home of the University of Texas where they both graduated.
(You will notice, Ashley is blushing with excitement.)


Saturday, August 16, 2008

Derrick & Brady in Ashland

Derrick & Brady Hazelton, Jana & Paul's Kids, also enjoyed Ashland when they came to pick up their sister, Payton. It was mostly pool time but we did go to a local orchard and pick a few peaches at $2 per pound. . .which means that 8 peaches cost $8!!!!! It was Derricks first time so Payton showed him how it was done. We even ate a few to enjoy sticky hands! Brady was more interested in the pool at Lori and Bob's. With all the squirt guns available, one has to be watching every minute and if your not careful, you'll end up in the pool even though you weren't planning on it. With temperatures in the 100's, the cool pool was refreshing. Derrick even us made an art piece pictured. I asked him why the rabbit had a black eye and he quickly told me it was a Pirate Rabbit with a patch over one eye. . .no question about it. That was the most important part of his art work! and is much more appreciated now that we know!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Payton Hazelton in Ashland, OR

The last of July, Grandma & Grandpa Freed picked up our granddaughter, Payton in Eugene, Oregon for a week vacation at the coast and in Ashland. Payton will be 10 years old this August 23. Paul & Jana (Freed) Hazelton were reluctant to let her go because of wading pool mishap that loosened and cracked two front teeth. She got them repaired just in time to go with us along with her pain pills! The coast was beautiful but cooooo at night. We picnicked by a small lake one evening, stopped at Cranberry Sweets and at a sea lion gathering place at Charleston. We even walked on the sandy Oregon Pacific Ocean beach near Winchester Bay Lighthouse! Payton couldn't resist skipping thru cooold surf, of course without her shoes! We then travelled to Ashland, about a 4 hour drive, and entered the heat zone again!!! about 90 degrees. Payton's first stop was at her aunt Lori's place. Bob & Lori just put in a large above ground pool! This was an instant hit! Payton is next thing to a fish when it comes to water! Amanda Good, pictured with Payton also loves the water almost as much as softball! The rest of the week was spent at the pool except for a ride with Aunt Lori on her little motorcycle! We introduced Payton to another 10 year old from our church, Lilly Patton. They immediately clicked and the next two mornings they lived in the pool! We did manage to pick peaches one morning after her parents & brothers arrived. When Sunday afternoon rolled around no one was anxious to head for Eugene. Vacations & week-ends don't get here soon enough and usually pass to fast!!!