Saturday, December 5, 2009

Hummers Stay in Ashland

Several hummingbirds decided to stay in Ashland instead of heading to Arizona for the winter. They probably know that obligates us to feed them until the flowers bloom in Spring! But this week we have an Arctic blast of cold air that seems like zero degrees wind chill even though the sun shines afternoon! Yesterday and today, the fog was so thick the frost grew every minute obscuring the sun. The barren trees and shrubs were all covered with a snowlike covering. I went out to get a photo and as usual, the hummers protested. They have claimed the feeders and let you know your too close. The hummer you see, decided to wait me out in the top of the frost covered tree and as soon as I went inside, took a long sip of sweet feed and retreated to home in the top of the nearby evergreen.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Ashland Water Polo State Champions!

Adam, Lori and Bob's water boy, helped the Ashland High School Water Polo team win the state championship! As a sophomore, Adam has worked hard and landed a regular starting position on the team. The final game was very close against a tough Portland team. Going into the final quarter, Ashland was behind 8 to 10. Against a super goalie, they struggled for goals but outlasted their opponents and scored the winning goal with just seconds to go. Congratulations to Adam and his team for a superb accomplishment!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Tyler Reports from Boulder, Colorado

Roly & Candy dumped Tyler their youngest, as new fallen snow, in Boulder again this fall. Now in his second year, Tyler looks forward to the first snowfall so he can snow board!! He finally figured out how to maneuver a photo from his cell phone to my cell, then these photos became my problem on how to get them from my cell phone into my computer all the way to this Blog! You don't want to know all the hoops we had to jump thru! 'But alas, 2 photos from Boulder! You can see the University football field in the distance and enjoy the beautiful Colorado snowfall! Thanks Tyler for this great effort!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Summer Trip - Final Installment 5

It seemed like we were gone all summer, nearly 8 weeks. After 10 days in Michigan surrounded by Esther's family and friends, we headed back to Indiana to see family & friends in & around Wakarusa with the grand event, my 60th Wakarusa High School class reunion! We spent our week with Norma & Gene Slagle. Our first stop was Uncle Bud Hartke in Mishawaka. As always Bud has sharpened his sense of humor and manages pretty well alone with a little help from niece Tammy. It's always scary to have breakfast at the uptown restaurant. . .but decided to go for it. And as you would expect, an old girlfriend and 6 other old folks that knew me right away and. . .I did get most of them right but was relieved when it went better than I expected. I can't tell you what I ordered and if I even ate it . . .but it was a nice memory!

We had a great time with Tammy, Allison and Brandon in Wakarusa, Sharon Poe, a 1st cousin, Al & Barbara Beutler in South Bend, the Ludwicks and Wises in Wakarusa and others.

After the reunion, we headed for home. After two nights in motels (9 nights in motels for the entire trip) we reached Kay & Tom Branches in Crawford, Colorado. They took us to the National Monument Park in Pueblo. It reminded us of the many beautiful scenic places that are preserved for all of us to enjoy. On to Salt Lake City and Sacramento, CA where Chris & Carlon, our long time friends from College days greeted us for a long week-end. The week-end was a special celebration for their kids. It was a farewell at the church they started in Rocklin, CA.

We were now anxious to get home and collect two months of mail!!! and, see what bills we had forgotten to pay. Things were quiet in Ashland with very few problems awaiting us. It was a wonderful trip! The 2000 Mercury Villager gave us a comfortable even after 125,000 miles! But best of all was Ashley's wedding in Austin, TX and our families and friends that we loved to connect with and make new memories with. You were all grand people!!!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Corsicana, Texas Bulletin

THE BASS ARE COMING IN to Roly's dock apparently feeding on the small fish who live in submerged trees and weed cover. Just received the photo taken quickly at night after catching this 8 pound largemouth bass! It does make all fisherpeople want to board the next plane for Texas! Congratulations Roly!

Monday, October 19, 2009

1st Photos from UC Monterey Bay, California

Amanda and roommate enjoying the cool Pacific Ocean breezes. She is also pictured with the University of California team where she landed a starting position in right field. The campus is in Monterey Bay and next to the ocean. She is pursuing Marine Biology. What a place to be for this study where they are equipped with robot deep diving subs to retrieve marine life from the ocean bottom. This ship was recently featured on the National Geographic Channel. So far she has survived a few detours and some homesickness. We'll all be glad to see her this Thanksgiving in Ashland, Oregon!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Big Trip East 4 - Ind.-Mich.

Back in June, we left Texas stayed overnight in Jackson, TN and made to Indianapolis where Dan & Donna Monroe (right bottom)welcomed us for several nights. Dan's dad, Wayne, was there - a long time friend from Anderson, Indiana. To and from their place we connected with Dot Berkey and Ruth Berry a former neighbor in Ashland, OR.

We moved north to Jan and Steve Kings in Ft. Wayne (middle bottom) where their daughter Susan joined us. They took us to the Ft. Wayne Zoo. . .a magnificent layout with many interesting sights along the way for all ages. Highly Recommended! We connected with Kim & Tom Swank in Ft. Wayne, where Mike Reynolds surprised us! This was a real treat for Esther & I which took us back to our days in Elkhart & Wakarusa. As we were about to leave for Michigan, Tom presented us with a family heirloom he had rescued from Bethel Publishing in Elkhart as they were closing it down. My grandpa & grandma Freed, who had started the Shoe Store in Wakarusa in the early 1900's, had purchased a large, leather family Bible published in 1888. They had filled in all the family pages in the center of this Bible with dates along with a certificate of their marriage. I couldn't believe that this Bible was almost lost to our family had Tom not discovered it in the basement of Bethel Publishing. This was a wonderful gift to me and our family!

We then headed to Michigan where Ruth's and Jim's and Betty's were expecting us. The days ahead were filled with reunions and get-togethers. We also were blessed with meeting Rose, Scott Tuckey's new wife, pictured above. Notice Gary & daughter Julie busy cooking for us.
Our friends from the East, Jane & Larry Wilson, were traveling in Ohio and were able to join us at Ruth's for several days. Jim gave us a tour of his wood working shop and was explaining his drum sander. We also visited his favorite spot in Michigan, the cabin in the woods. Time passed swiftly as we headed back to Wakarusa for more reunions. . .the next installment.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

FIRE IN ASHLAND near Lori & Bob's

Esther had an appointment yesterday, Monday, with Lori for a therapy treatment. I dropped her off at about 10am, went downtown to get our mail. . .we just got home from a week in San Diego with the Kresses. . .had to wait for a fire truck. . .and proceeded to get our mail. After the usual 20 minute wait, I headed back to pick up Esther. As I headed back, I was astounded at the huge column of smoke billowing like a huge explosion in the direction or Lori and Bob's place. The distance from me seemed closer, perhaps near the university. There were lots of sirens and flashing lights ahead of me so I decided to take a back route on old main street towards our house. Now traffic was doing the same thing and I slowly proceeded the back way home. The radio had already picked up the excitement. In Oregon, any fire anywhere at this time of year with temps near 100, gets every ones attention. I could now see the fire was another mile towards I-5 and closer to our street and much closer to Tolman Creek Rd, Lori and Bobs Road! I turned back to pick up Esther and alerted Lori to what little I knew. Most of the roads were now closed going to her place but after her appointments, she hopped on her motor bike and managed to get home down sidewalks and back streets. There were fire trucks, helicopters, fire retardant tanker planes, bull dozers, and firefighters pouring into their area right in front of us. The 30 mph winds were taking the blaze towards their place. Bob had already got word and rushed home and was watering down the buildings and the yard. The heavy smoke was pouring upwards and in their direction. When I arrived via back roads, the power people were disconnecting the power in front of their house and copters were filling their buckets in a pond about 3 houses down. At times we could see 5 copters, and 3 planes(2 twin & 1 four engine plane) in the air above us. Lori climbed on top of their shed to get a better view of the fire. This was Adam and his friends perch as well as other friends who wanted the best view. There was fear and anxiety everywhere. Lori could hardly talk about it over the phone. Then the wind changed slightly and moved the path of the fire up the mountain rather than down. With the fast response of all the fire folks, today the fire is only smoldering after burning over 100 acres and losing only one structure, a home that was empty. Even last night, we talked about midnight and they were very apprehensive about the hot spots flaring up all night but today we went up and looked and even with another 100 degree day all seems well and folks who were evacuated are able to return with thanksgiving. It certainly makes you realize how unimportant material things are. . .but you can't replace people and animals.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Great Grand Child Two

September 3, 2009 at 1:10am, Jaime, brought into the world a beautiful daughter, Celeste. Dan and Sheila are now accepting their new role as Grand-Parents! It's strange for Esther & I to step back into our still new role as Great Grand-Parents! We made a quick trip to Portland Sunday to see this new miracle of life and get these photos. Jaime and baby Celeste are doing well as are grandpa and grandma Freed.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Big Trip East 3

After the June 13th Wedding, we headed to Roly & Candy's place in Corsicana, Texas. Dan's, Jana's, Lori's and us landed there for nearly a week of relaxation and fishing. There was family sleeping everywhere! Tyler & Adam managed to catch the biggest fish and Lori & the kids lived in the water. Payton jumped from there to Houston and then to Costa Rica for a week living with a local family & then enjoying the sights down Mexico way. We all enjoyed the wonderful fish caught and lots of the great Alaskan catch. Many thanks to Roly & Candy for all their tender loving care!!!

Friday, August 21, 2009

College Bound

Amanda left early this morning as Lori & Bob headed for Monterrey Bay, California for Amanda's first semester and leaving the security of home for the first time. Tyler, left Texas last week as Roly & Candy did the same move to University of Colorado in Boulder. Tyler is now experienced at leaving home and begins his 2nd year in Colorado. Both sets of parents pulled a U-Haul trailer helping their kids with furniture. This year, Tyler qualifies for apartment living off campus that cuts the cost of on campus housing considerably. Amanda, as a freshman, will have to live on campus and has a softball scholarship to help with expenses. When I look back on college years and then working with our kids to get a college education, I wonder how so many kids today can afford the high cost of education. Grand kids, give a BIG thanks to your folks!!!!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Brady the Boarder

Guess what, Esther and I have had a whirlwind time with Jana & Pauls 3 kids, Derrick, Brady and Payton. After a tiring long week-end with dune climbing, beach walking, and shopping, we were ready for a long rest. . .except. . .Brady came home with us this week. I have had the privilege of taking Brady to the Ashland Skateboard Park every morning about 9 before all the regulars get up, giving us the entire park to ourselves for about 1 hour! Brady loves the place and has improved greatly since Tuesday! I'm sure I would have been there had boards been invented when I was a kid! It was just a few years ago that Tyler, another grandson spent several summers with us and he too lived on the Ashland Skateboard arena and decided that our Ashland park was the best he had tried. Now it's Brady's turn!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Big Trip East 2

From Phoenix, we headed for Texas and the big wedding in Austin. The week end in Austin just happened to be the National Harley Davidson Convention!!! Had we not made reservations long before, we would have had to stay in San Antonio! The wedding and reception was a grand event with most of our kids and their kids in attendance. We were glad to represent our side of the family as Ashley and Zack became the "Steele's." They are now moved into their own home after a weeks honeymoon in Cancun. Congratulations to Ashley and Zack! Now 2 months today!
Tim & Reba Tuckey joined with Dan and Sheila awaiting the wedding. . .while Esther & Candy waited in the Narthax. Jana and Paul just arrived in time! to be continued. . . .