Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Scary Texas

Face paint is a great way to hide and can happen on Halloween or anytime in Texas! Not sure if no-front-teeth Alice and Annie managed to keep these beautiful masks for school or day care. In the meantime,  Grandpa Roly treats the family often with a new cooking gizmo.  You have a soup moat on the outer edge with a 10 inch diameter grill in the center.  Everyone is on their own with vegetables and strips of steak and fish to cook, then eat or drop in the community soup bowl. Everyone eats at their own pace and cooks what they like.  A fun experience for all ages! We got to enjoy this feast on our recent trip to Texas! plus a little basketball to see if the old man had lost his touch! yes, it went in!  Thanks, Texas! (click on photo to enlarge)

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Traveling Legs!

I thought and thought. . .could we make another trip to the Midwest?  If air travel plans went easy, it would be a heavenly sign.  My first call to United made the arrangements easy,  that is, super easy!
Then the time seemed to stand still. I reminded myself,  one day at a time!  Now, a month later,  we made it and managed to see all the family and several special friends!  It's amazing how fast all those wonderful moments became wonderful memories!  I don't know where to begin so I just put off this assignment of giving you a glimpse of our super trip!  Traveling Michigan and Indiana,  we had to explain the Cadillac Escalade supplied by cousin Charlie! a very comfortable ride!  But in Texas,  we traveled by boat as you note! and yes, I really did catch the only keeper this time out and I think it was a 10 pounder even thought Roly wouldn't weigh it!  Everywhere we went everyone prepared gluten free meals!  What a treat and exceptional flavors and fellowship. You will note,  Evan, Blake, and Roly - Kim, Tom & Tammy, Rick,  and  Holly and Joe.  We had a great time with high school and college friends and our many wonderful family friends in Michigan.  I have laid aside my picture taking assignment of the past and will be relying on all your phone photos for the future!
Blessings to All!     (click on photos to enlarge)

Friday, August 31, 2018

August - Birthday Month

Payton joined the Texas Birthday Gang but decided to celebrate in Ireland while Joe, Zack, Blake and Evan partied with the "Longhorns".  Of course, Texas cousins, Alice and Annie, joined in the fun.  The old men don't pose for photos anymore but the kids do! But age doesn't keep us from enjoying birthday remembrances.  After all, it's our special day and all of us are special!  Congratulations to all you August birthday specials! (click on photos to enlarge.)

Thursday, August 23, 2018

The Grass is always greener in Ireland

Jana and Payton decided to make a quick trip to Ireland and as you can see, the color green is everywhere.  We haven't heard much but the photos look like fun and a wonderful time!  
(click on photo to enlarge)

Sunday, July 1, 2018

California Luke

Talk about gaining weight,  Luke has more than doubled since entering the world competition!  Lori made a fast trip to pick up Amanda and Luke and just arrived in Oregon.  His first trip north was greeted with lots of fond smiles!  You can almost see his brain processing information overload!  We soon forget that all of us started the same way and as the years go by, our childhood fades away and it seems that we've always been adults.  Just imagine yourself learning to talk and walk.  Just be thankful that you were loved, held, fed, kept dry and all the wholesome things that helped you grow up!  We forget that someone helped us grow up too!  Great grandma and I still remember how to talk to and hold these little people.  Loving is something we become and something we impart to those we touch.  (click on photo to enlarge)

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Monday, March 12, 2018

Sheep Herdder

Once upon a time two Texans  entered the Gulf of Mexico from the shores of Alabama looking for something to eat.  Grandpa Roly was not having much luck so he handed the pole to Blake and he cast on the other side of the boat and caught the head of a sheep better known as a Sheephead! This sheep was almost as big as Blake and was the prized catch of the trip!  When you start losing your touch, just pass the pole to your kids or grand kids!  It looks like you have enough fish for a month and understand you've already had your first meal!  Congratulations Blake for a Great Memory!
(click on photo to enlarge)

Friday, March 2, 2018


Brady, like all of us, decided he wanted to become independent and like all of us, made plans to leave home.  His first plan was to get ready to move into his own place.  His next step was to graduate from Hi School early.  Then he began looking for a job!   Remember those days??  He found a job and took extra classes and has now graduated this past December! His next is additional schooling to become an electrician!  We were honored to attend his graduation celebration! Friends and family joined Jana and Paul's families at one of the best Pizza places in town and had a great time wishing him well.

CONGRATULATIONS BRADY! (click on photo to enlarge)

Sunday, February 18, 2018


Feb. 17, was the BIG DAY for Amanda and Lori!  Baby Luke arrived, about on schedule and from all indications every one is doing fine.   The day went pretty fast and they arrived at the hospital in time.  Thinking back to Dan's birth,  our first,  I had a youth committee meeting that went late the night before and all the gas stations were closed and didn't expect to rush to the hospital with little sleep the next morning.  And, you guessed it,  we ran out of gas two miles from the hospital and coasted into the only all night gas station in town!  I had to wake up the attendant and we got to the hospital just in time.  I'm not sure what God was trying to tell me but as you can see, it was burned into my memory!

God has given us the grand ability to experience creation. . . .then comes the responsibility to nurture what we have created. . . in a wild and woolly world,  protecting and teaching each newcomer how to live in peace and love.  As the old folks of the family,  we ask everyone to encourage and pray for our newest family addition as well as those of us scattered thruout the US and elsewhere!
(click on photo to enlarge)

Thursday, January 4, 2018


Gatherings in Oregon and Texas brought our families together again.  Over the years, one thing that holds us all together is the annual Calendar.  On occasion some of the kids have even been guilty of counting how many times they appeared thruout the calendar!  Over the years, no records have ever been kept and no trophies given out for an annual winner!  It's always great to be together and even though the time is short,  it's probably best that we can all go back to our privacy to escape the busyness of togetherness!  Just this reminder,  "The year ahead is like new fallen snow - Be careful where you step for every print will show."