Sunday, December 21, 2014

Advent Faire Ashland

Every year, the first Sunday in December,  our Presbyterian Church meets in our Fellowship Hall for a Christmas craft making event called Advent Faire.  Esther, Lori and I have been helping kids and adults make sand candles for over 20 years now and several years ago, Jana has joined us using her art talents helping folks make centerpieces and door swags real evergreens.  Derrick and Brady joined us this year and toured various tables making Christmas crafts including Gingerbread houses.  You might guess Derrick started eating his on the spot!  Lori and I had our hands full pouring and finishing nearly 30 sand candles designed by kids and adults from round to square and all slightly different and with colors they picked.  We now pour uncolored wax for all the candles.  While the wax is still hot and absorbing into the sand,  I have melted the wax color blocks and molded onto a popsicle stick.  We then use a propane torch and drip the color wanted into the hot wax.  Using this method,  every person gets the color they want rather than have 8 different pots each a different color of hot wax,  we only need 1 or 2 pots of melted wax uncolored!  We work very hard for about 5 hours and are very tired when the day is done!  The amazing compliments from kids and adults make our part very rewarding!

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Something to Blow About

Everything is just ducky in Eugene!
When the Ducks win,  you can now imagine all
the commotion at Jana and Paul's place with Derrick
the tuba man!  Of course,  if it gets too loud,
Payton can now escape in the family car!
She now has her drivers license!  Congratulations to her!
In the meantime,  Brady has to take special care of a broken finger from football.  It is now in a cast to be sure the break heals properly.  You'll have to ask him why it needed a cast.  We hope there is some peace and quiet at Parish place.  I imagine Derrick will have to do most of his practicing at school since there are lots of neighbors close by!  It's amazing what the kids of the Freed Clan accomplish!  It's always fun to enjoy everyones enjoyment!

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Texas Mover

Annie,  our latest great grand daughter, now has a new home about 1 mile from her beginnings.  I guess Ashley and Zack decided it was too crowded to all sleep in the same room!  And as you can see,  Annie is very pleased with her new surroundings!  Congratulations to all!  (click on photo to enlarge)

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Attention Getters!

There is always something lurking in the corners, under the bushes, over the hill, around the bend or right in front of us. I'm not sure it's God seeking our attention or these detours in life happen to remind us that we need to pay more attention to ALL things around us at ALL times!

While at Lakeside,  we were beginning our chores as usual.  Mow the yard when the sun shines! Since there was no current in the outside recept,  I proceeded to check the breakers in the breaker box.  Of course, you must lift the lid and if you push it back in a little,  the lid will stay up as illustrated.  I then went around to check the recept and hurried back to the box of course with my hat on and looking down to avoid running into anything on the ground. . .a good plan, right?. . .wrong!  I hit with a full gate, glasses went sailing and I
immediately thought,  STUPID!  Hoping for only a bruise,  I finally worked up the courage to check for blood.  And you guessed it,  it had started dripping off my nose!  Not wanting to panic Esther,  I casually asked her to get me a couple ice cubes while I headed for the bathroom,  cold water and a wash cloth.  I really didn't look too bad but 15 minutes later,  we both decided we'd better have it checked and of course the only place available was the emergency room in Coos Bay, Oregon, a half hour away.  So with two ice cubes in a wash cloth we headed for the hospital.  A nurse checked me in and attached a temporary bandage.  Three hours later,  the doc took a look and decided to use 3 glue patches instead of thread and needle!  I was pleased of course and with head wrapped like some religious guru we headed to the nearest Burger King for something to eat.  I really didn't want to go anywhere and fortunately had taken a baseball hat which  did a great job covering most of the bandage.  But eating was not without guilt!  I have always believed that it was very impolite to wear a hat while eating,  especially while eating with other people.  Now here I am eating with my hat on!  and in a Burger King about 9 at night without a soul there but us. . .until we got our food and several car loads of teen age athletes invaded the place.  I tried to slip under the table but ate and hobbled out as quietly as possible.

I'm healing well.  Lori soaked off the docs Swami wrap and yesterday I had a regular scheduled appointment with my doctor here in Ashland.  He thought it looked good and took off the remaining hospital stuff.  I'm now running around without any bandage and trying to avoid anyone we know.  However tonight,  I have to face the music at choir rehearsal at church.  Not sure how I'll handle that!

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Traveling T & R

We were excited to have Reba and Tim land in Ashland for several days!  Family ties are strong and there never seems to be enough time to catch up.  It takes time to wade into the deeper waters where families develop inner strength to make it thru the storms of life.  In the middle of great eats prepared by everyone,  we managed to enjoy each other's company!  Didn't do much travelling around to enjoy Oregon's beautiful scenery, not because of the many fires surrounding us creating hazy skies, but because we just wanted to be together without too many other pressures!  We achieved this and thoroughly had a grand fun time!  The food dish is fresh Mozzarella Rolls!  The Freed legs are, guess who?   Click on photo to enlarge.

Sunday, August 31, 2014

6000 Mile Drive # 3

After a week in Indiana and many meaningful gatherings,  we headed for Texas.  We decided to arrive on July 4 since all the grand kids and greats would be there!  It was our joy to meet Evan and Annie for the first time! and of course the three  raunchy rangers of the Rio Grand!  Roly and Candy cranked up the food supply in the kitchen and on the patio grill!  With 95 degree weather,  most everyone spent time in the lake and the kids in a delightful backyard pool and slide. On July 4 we all had ring side seats overlooking the lake as Blake, Joel and Tyler lite up the sky with fireworks.  Everyone got in the act with sparklers!.  If this display were tried back in Oregon,  we all would have been arrested! Fire hazards go year round here!
We then headed home, spent time with friends in Colorado and our final stop with Chris and Carlon in Rocklin, California and enjoyed one of the nicest nurseries we've seen anywhere.  As we neared Oregon,  we began to wonder where our home was!  (Click on photo to enlarge)

Monday, August 18, 2014

6000 Mile Drive 1 - Redo

I accidentally erased this July posting which was the first stop in our family reunion tour.  We stayed with Ruth and Joe and shared many memories with Jim's,  Ruth's and Betty.  We met with first cousins,
nieces and nephews and friends.

After a week,  we headed for Indiana and met Diet Eman,  a dear friend in Grand Rapids.  She is author of "Things We Couldn't Say." and has stayed with us in Oregon several times.  In her nineties,  she still ministers to those in need as a RN and translator for doctors.  Michigan was grand beginning for our travel tour!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

6000 Mile Drive # 2

The second leg of our journey was Indiana.  We stayed a week with Forrey in Wakarusa. (Pictured with Phyllis Bacon at Hubbard Hill)  We met Jane and Larry in Waky and spent our first day with Dave and Brenda and on to Ft. Wayne to meet with the King family.  Met with brother Phil and Sharon at the Baugo Cemetery.  It's always lots of mello memories that surround you there.  We walked among the tomb stones recalling the lives that influenced who we are today.  A sobering thought!  The next day, a dinner with the Class of 49 in Goshen.  If that wasn't enough,  then met at Tammy's place in Wakarusa for a Freed gathering pictured above.  A wonderful time with great memories remembered!  To top it off,  I went to a new building in Wakarusa where once stood my High School.  This reunion pulled together all ages and folks I hardly remembered and not seen in over 50 years!  It's a fearful gathering. . .the fear of forgetting!  I survived and stuck close to my high school buddies just in case I needed help!  Indiana almost seemed like home again! Another installment to come.  (Click on photos to enlarge)

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Monterey Bay Grad

Amanda's big day at University of California, Monterey Bay!  The day before Saturday, May 17,  Amanda got us free passes to the famous Bay Aquarium! She has worked there the past 2 years and gave us a great tour!  Our days were filled with new friends and new places.  Being the handicapped old folks,  we got special passes,  special parking, and special seating with front row seats!  Amanda is headed into the marine world of opportunities.  She already has several offers and is now facing the big world of independence! Congratulations Amanda!  We give you our blessing and support!   (click on photo to enlarge.)

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Flat Stanley Arrived

We received a text message from Texas that Flat Stanley was coming for a visit to Ashland, Oregon!  Who was this stranger? and why was he coming to our place?  Blake, part of Holly and Joe's family,  let us know that Stanley was his friend at school and he was coming to Ashland to meet us!  He wanted us to get him new clothes and show him around Oregon!  Days passed and finally a Mail House arrived and Stanley nearly jumped out he was so delighted  stretch and breath in the fresh Oregon air!  He looked great but needed some clothes quick!  Esther and I found some nice fabric,  cut some patterns and made Stan some new pants with cool rope belt.  He was now ready to travel!  Winchester Bay, Oregon is a great place to visit. The Umpqua River flows into the Pacific Ocean here.  Flat Stanley walked the beaches and then tried his luck at crabbing on the dock close to the lighthouse.

He loved all the new sights especially after being stuck at Mildred School for days!  It was kinda sad to see him crawl back into the Mail House for the long trip back to Texas.  But, he now had some new clothes and a big map with his trip from Ashland to Winchester Bay marked well for Blake and his class to see.  We did get a nice note from Texas that Blake was excited when Stanley arrived and so was his class.  I imagine all of Blake's class will now want to visit Oregon!  Not sure where we'll put them!!!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Population Boom in Texas!

APRIL is a Big Month!!!  and Annie Lynn just arrived in Austin, Texas, April 8 at 8:08pm.  She weighed in at 8 pounds 11 ounces,  20.5 inches big!  Congratulations to Ashley and Zack!  And Brady, her first cousin, now share the same birth date!

Yesterday,  April 8, Esther and I spent the afternoon shopping in Medford.  I mentioned Ashley several times and it seemed like where ever I went,  Ashley was on my mind.  I don't remember having this much awareness and I'm now pondering this event even more.  All our grand children and great grand children are very special.  All grandparents should feel the same way!  Glad to get these quick photos from Grandma and Grandpa in Corsicana, Texas!  (click on photos to enlarge)

Monday, March 10, 2014

Cruisin the Gulf of Mexico

Lori has left New Orleans on a trip of a lifetime.  The Norwegian Jewel sailed into the Gulf of Mexico Sunday, March 9.  Our cell phone was buzzing all day trying to keep up with all the photos!!  Everywhere you look there was a photo!  And Mardi Gras is in full swing in New Orleans.  Bourbon Street was visitors wall to wall! The ship is a floating city as you can see with a great deck view of the New Orleans skyline.  With a plush room and aquatic fun everywhere you look,  Lori should have no problem enjoying herself.

She was invited to assist in energy medicine classes that will be given on this cruise.  She has taken two years of these classes to supplement her physical therapy business.  The instructors noticed her abilities and offered to pay her way as one of their assistants.  She jumped at the chance to learn first hand and take in what she as always enjoyed,  water fun!  The cruise will be a great balance of work and play.  I'm sure when they dock again in New Orleans,  we'll have a thousand photos to sift thru for the next installment.  Keep watching for the return of the Cruiser!  (Click to enlarge)

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Christmas Memories

Time is moving too fast towards Christmas, 2014!
Since Roly's Texas clan didn't get any group shots this year and we're missing, Paul,  Shawna and Jaime's in this photo, it was time to give you this memory.

Portland, Eugene and Ashland gathered up the mountain at Callahans on Thursday following Christmas for a delightful evening.  We were privileged to have two of Adam's friends join us.
The evening was punctuated with calendars early  and closed out with gift giving at Lori's house.  It's always a great joy to have our entire family together and even though we made several attempts to connect our computers with Skype,  it didn't happen.  I hope this photo says a warm hello and welcome to all of you in Texas, Oregon and to Jaime out East. (click on photo to enlarge)