Tuesday, December 31, 2013


My First Photo for the New Year comes from Texas!  Can you name all three without looking at the calendar?  We are all thankful to join in the celebration and pray that all of our Freed clan will join in the prayer of thankfulness.

"The New Year lies before us like a fresh track of snow -
 be careful where you step for all your tracks will show."

May the year 2014 be a meaningful year for all of you! And thanks to Texas for this first beautiful photo and for letting the Ducks win the Alamo Bowl!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Winter in Ashland

Winter comes to Ashland about every twenty years!  Since we've lived here over 20,  we've now seen two winters that we remember!  Eight inches of snow,  3 nights at 8 degrees,  schools cancelled for the past 3 days, no bus transportation, Lori can't get her car out or up her hill if she could.  She has to walk several blocks to get a ride and to get home.  It's just like many Indiana winters in distant memory!  But we managed to get to Church Sunday and our Advent Faire went on with the show!  Lori, Esther and I continued to help folks make sand candles.  You can see one delighted customer carefully taking her candle!  We had fewer customers this year and still made about 25 candles!  It's a busy days work and very rewarding to share in the happy responses.  We are always delighted with our Christmas tree,  the lights scattered around our town and the warmth of the wonderful memories in our storeroom of valuables!  Your are all a great part of those memories and we're still here to enjoy them!  This Christmas-Christian Season is always special!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

California to Eugene

The week of Halloween,  we headed for San Diego to spend time with our college friends, the Kresses.  On the way we had lunch with a former colleague,  now 96 years old, living in Pasadena.  After nearly a week in San Diego,  we headed for Seaside, California. Seeing Lori's Amanda was almost on our way home!  We had dinner on Cannery Row and spent time with Amanda at her work in the Monterrey Bay Aquarium. We spent the next night with the Pannabecker's in Los Gatos, only about 5 blocks from our route home.  They too are college friends which makes for great conversations and a delightful overnight stay. We almost forgot what San Francisco free way driving was like but with GPS we managed quite well to weave our way back over the Grapevine with a stop at the giant discount mall!  There we stumbled into a Tahoe Joes Restaurant. . .a great experience!

We no sooner got somewhat rested when we were on the road again by 7am on our way to Corvallis, Oregon to see the State Water Polo tournament.  Lori, Adam and Hallie, Adams new girl friend were there. Adam had been assisting Ashland's new coach.  Adam was on the Ashland Championship team and knows the game well. We spent most of the day inside in very warm conditions! After an evening meal with Lori and the team,  we headed for Jana & Paul's place in Eugene.

We relaxed in their new home with the family,  catching up with Derrick, Brady and Payton.  It was hard to believe that after a pleasant nights rest, we would see Derrick making breakfast over a hot grill! With Paul's help they fed us well just before we headed for Ashland. But, .......as we pondered the trip,  why not head for the coast,  mow the yard,  make the beds and then continue our trip to Ashland!  It worked and so did we making it home about 8pm,  not before we had a wonderful Halibut dinner with an ocean view at Winchester Bay.  I did get some rest and up in time Sunday morn to sing with an octet at church!  It will probably take at least 2 weeks to get rested up!

Friday, October 25, 2013

Big Changes

Whether your a little boy or a big boy,  there are just some things that are life changing! Down Texas way,  Blake is all excited about losing that first tooth!  I imagine,  Holly and Joe had a BIG celebration when that tooth got pulled or fell out! and all happening with new baby Evan is getting most of the attention. We're all
"pulling" for you Blake to keep your place among the Pair's!

Meanwhile,  Adam,  Lori's water polo star found a peach in Portland!  He's been avoiding women lately but stumbled seriously when a new face startled him on his way to class at Portland State.  He opened the door for her and Divine providence brought her back to the same door a week later!  He stumbled through and fumbled for words to ask her name!  Hallie and Adam have now become eating companions!  She has even made a trip to Ashland and Adam a trip to Portland to meet her parents and family.  I believe her family will be taking a vote on whether they approve since Adam is the first boyfriend Hallie has introduced to her family.  And as all of you know, it's always best to get our family's approval too.  These relationships are always a package deal!  (Click on photo to enlarge)

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Alice of Wonderland

Baby Alice is growing up as Blake looks on with amazement! And Alice doesn't know she's a longhorn! Ashley and Zack her proud parents also have to be amazed at the growth process.  We would all like to follow her around,  read her a story and just be close to the whole process.  Roly and Candy are certainly enjoying the company.  They now have 4 grandchildren and we understand, another on the way?

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

New Texas Cowboy

Deep in the heart of Texas, on August 27,  Holly and Joe welcomed Evan Ray to planet earth!  At 8 pounds 10 ounces and over 20 inches long,  Evan has a healthy start!   We are delighted to have Evan as a member of the Freed Clan!  Congratulations to Holly, Joe and Grandma Candy and Grandpa Roly.  It's hard to believe that we're still around to be proud Great Grandparents! . . .a privilege we cherish!
Click on photos to enlarge.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Grandma & Grandpa's Place

With a new home in Eugene, Oregon,  Jana and Paul's kids decided they would rather move in with us in Ashland!  Payton came first and we swapped her for Derrick a week later. However we couldn't work in Brady, so he's next on the list!  Payton had a full schedule:  She helped her Aunt Lori prepare 24 dozen ears of fresh corn for the freezer - picked peaches and helped grandma make freezer jam - talked me into learning how to drive a strait stick pick-up - and helped our church get ready for the annual rummage sale! The most tense was letting her drive our truck around a huge empty parking lot! which wasn't any too big!  We made it with lots of stalls and starts and a little panic at times,  remember those dazes?

We traded for Derrick in Roseburg and headed back to Ashland for another exciting week!  He was content to place Goof Troop on our old Super Nintendo then migrate to my computer for more video games.  He had strict instructions not to explore or change any settings!  He did great and followed instructions!  Then two afternoons he joined his friends,  Jaz and Aiden for lots of laughter and frolicking fun.  They even had difficulty getting thru a Crickity Croakity story as I tried to show them on their back just what was happening.  We hate to admit it,  but our Creator God knew that at our age we had no business starting a family!  God sure makes a lot of sense when you consider how we are fearfully and wonderfully made,  the great beauty that surrounds us and that this God even allows us to participate in the creation process!  And we're thankful that our kids have provided loving homes for our grand kids! (Click on photos to enlarge)

Friday, August 2, 2013

New Home in Eugene

This installment of Jana and Paul's new home on Parish St. in Eugene, gives you a view of the latest.  The garage is no longer a garage.  Paul has used steel 2 X 4's to frame in a new bedroom for Payton.  She will soon be sleeping in the garage!  The backyard has been replaced with a 5 foot deep swimming pool, which also means that Paul has much less lawn to mow!   Presently,  Brady is carefully climbing the ladder although he has just put away his crutches from the hip surgery he had during the move.  Jana is now reasonably organized and still deciding what to keep and what to give to the Salvation Army.  Derrick was happy to join us for some Kentucky Fried Chicken although it came from Fred Myer's and still pleased everyone.  This was our first meal with them in their new home!  You might guess that everyone living there is very happy to be there!  We all wish them well!

Friday, June 21, 2013

Big Move in Eugene

Jana and Paul finally sold their house after waiting over 2 years of listings.  The BIG move came on Friday June 7th.and on that morning Brady, who had been struggling for several weeks with a hip injury,  was taken to the doctor. X-rays revealed dislocated hip plates in both joints!  The doc immediately admitted him for surgery that very evening.  Esther and I had left Ashland early that Friday and learned on our way to Eugene what was happening to Brady that evening at 7pm!  Jana had now escaped moving - instead she spent all day and night with Brady in the hospital!  About 6pm that evening,  Brady called me, half dopey from surgery preparation, and asked me about the pin I had in my shoulder and also wondered about stitches!  I tried to relieve his fears and it wasn't long until I couldn't understand his words.  We had been busy all day cleaning the old place and the new place in preparation for rug cleaning.  Brady survived with a pin in each hip plate and only 1 stitch on each hip.  He is getting used to 6 weeks on crutches but is glad to be in their new home.

Meanwhile,  Paul was engineering this big move.  One load of dressers and bedding was unloaded by him and Payton before his heavy lifters arrived.  You can see Derrick and Paul loading up the backyard but they managed to avoid the front yard. Payton and her grandpa Hazelton unpacked the kitchen stuff and late Saturday afternoon,  Jana finally arrived on the scene desperately trying to find bathroom and kitchen boxes. They managed to sleep in their new home that Saturday, June 8 for a much needed rest!

They love their new home at  3451 Parish St.   Eugene, OR  97401.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Oregon Morels

It's been over 20 years since Dans, Rolys and Lori have traveled to Oregon to enjoy the Morel Mushroom season together.  And at this prime time for mushrooms,  Jana and Paul in Eugene, Oregon managed to sell their house after 2 years on the market.  Their buying and closing came during this same week! We missed them but felt their presence among us.

After a shaky Memorial Day week-end with rain and snow, it managed to clear up the next day after Roly and Candy arrived from Texas.  Tuesday early,  with rain gear, boots, bags and packed lunches,  we headed into the mountains for morels.  Our first stop we found just a couple mushrooms and begin to wonder if we would find any which usually is late in the season.  We moved on to higher elevation to another favorite spot.
And it wasn't long before Lori got us going with what we call a "patch".  You will notice the orange bag in the photos.  When anyone finds a mushroom,  we drop a bag and circle the bag usually finding more morels in that area.  One patch led to another and everyone was delighted to find fresh morels!  We broke for a tailgate lunch and went back into the woods for more morels.  By 5pm  we were all tired and delighted with all the mushrooms in the back of the van!  A weary group rambled down the mountain and eagerly weighed our treasure. . .slightly over 15 pounds!!!  What a day!   Then, back again the next day for more.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Seattle Art

The magnificent art of Chihuly is on display directly below the Space Needle in downtown Seattle.  It's hard to imagine the size and uniqueness of his glass creations!  These two story masterpieces are incredible!  Our first stop on the way to the Skagit Valley Tulip Festival was delightful!  We enjoyed a wonderful meal in the revolving restaurant on the top of the Needle.  After this treat,  we walked through the Pike Street Market.  You can get about anything you want at this market.  The fresh fish and vegetables enticed you where ever you looked.  We would highly recommend this adventure to anyone! Click on photo to enlarge.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Bkake & Brady

The two "B's",  Blake, the Longhorn and Brady, the Duck were both having fun recently.  Blake,  Holly and Joe's son was running in the "Derrick Days Race" in Mildred, Texas - a BIG fund raiser and Chile Cook Off.  Blake's school got a trophy for second place!  Congratulations Blake for doing your part!   Meanwhile, in Eugene, Oregon,  Brady was busy trying to get on base.  If you will note,  Brady was called out on a low ball that we would have liked to show to the umpire!   He also made some nice plays in left field.  The Red Lion sign on the fence was a reminder to us all - the place Jana and Paul were married in Eugene before Brady was even thought of! Note:  Not sure what kind of lens Holly uses for her photo but it sure makes her look10 years younger!  Click on photo to enlarge.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

More Washington Beauty


When the sun is shining on Skagit Valley, Washington,  everywhere you look is a picture!!  A grand experience for anyone who is glad to be alive! It sure makes you a believer in a Divine Creator!  I'll give you another installment on Seattle soon.  Click on photos to enlarge.