Wednesday, December 13, 2017


Derrick is now in the High School Orchestra playing the tuba!  and Esther and I had the opportunity to hear his first concert of this year! We joined Jana and Paul for a wonderful evening of music.
This was a professional event!  They performed at college level.  If you have trouble finding Derrick,  just look for the fuzzy haired kid!  His dream is to be in the Duck's marching band!  Derrick,  your on the way!  Great performance with a resounding Tuba beat!

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Jamaica Landing

Lori has become a dental assistant and is now a regular on the dental trip to Jamaica!  And this year, Adam's new job folks in Portland wanted all their new employees to do community service! Guess what,  they agreed to give him time off to do dental work in Jamaica! . . .his first trip outside the USA!   They just completed their mission and these photos are the first signs of their work with the Jamaican people on the backside who never see a dentist!  You can imagine,  long lines of folks greet them daily which means long hours and hard work!  They work as organizers keeping the people flow to 5 dentists without delay along with assisting them as nurses.  I'm sure they will have lots of stories to share!  After the work,  they managed several relaxing days enjoying the Jamaican beaches! (click on photos to enlarge)

Friday, August 25, 2017

Fire on the Freeway

It was 7 years ago this week that a smoker started a fire across the freeway from our house.  The winds blew the embers across the highway into a grove of trees and brush that ignited and rapidly blew towards our house.  Before the many fire departments got it under control,  it had burned 11 houses  adjacent to the freeway!  The fire trucks were parked in front of our house!  Would you believe,  several weeks ago, a semi heated up coming down the mountain and ignited on the freeway across from our place!  It was loaded with wine and proceeded to spue black smoke and ashes all over our area!  Naturally,  this alarmed our neighborhood!  Meanwhile,  we were at the coast and realized when picking up our mail in the mailbox, that someone had a fire in our neighborhood. There were large remnants of ash scattered all around our property. In the news that evening,  we found out what had happened.  In the course of this huge fire,  and in fire season, there were multiple explosions which had all our neighbors on edge!  Thankfully,  the fire departments were much better prepared this time and quickly put out the small fires started from flying embers. The Bible says,  "The rain falls on the just and the unjust."  Thankfully,  this time no one was injured and very little property was lost! (click on photo to enlarge)

Monday, August 7, 2017

Jumpin at Jana's

Dan, Sheila, Jaime and Celeste, Esther and I met at Jana & Paul's place for a brief family gathering.  Even though Roly's and Lori's couldn't make it,  we wanted to catch up with Jaime and Celeste.  It started with outdoor grilling.  Paul hovered over salmon and brats while Jana gave us a wave of grilled veggies, zucchini, eggplant, onions, multi color peppers, broccoli,  tomatoes, mushrooms. . .it seemed to never stop! Topped off with ice cream and Cinnabuns!  The backyard pool did cool down a very hot day for this part of the world!
Besides the kids,  Brian and Allison from our Arizona connection joined the fun and family.  We appreciated all the efforts and the strength we receive when family gets together to join our hearts together. (click on photos to enlarge)

Monday, June 26, 2017

Water Woman

Lori would pitch a tent on the water and live there if she could!  In the meantime, she dreams of ways to get in or on the water.  She is also a certified diver and loves to swim with Dolphins when ever possible.  She and Adam will travel this fall with a local group of dentists to give their services to the locals of Jamaica.  No doubt she will spend all her off
time in the water!

In the meantime,  she decided to join the local sculling club.  They meet twice a week at our local lake and are now practicing on the water as you can see.  Last week they tested her abilities by practicing on a windy evening.  Two teams went out but one coach who travels in a separate motor boat,  lost his power and without Orr's, the strong winds pushed him and the other boat to the other side towards the rocks and trees. Lori's coach had to leave them on their inexperienced own to rescue the other boat.  As he left, he told Lori to switch places,  a maneuver no one knew how to do in a narrow boat without annny wiggle room!  Lori finally ended up in the driver's seat with no experience on how to get the scull turned around and back to the dock, which was half mile away! and dealing with strong winds!  This is a great case of the blind leading the blind!  Her experience in a fishing boat and a speed boat, helped her figure out how to get the 8 rowers to work together, turn the scull around and carefully get them back to the dock!  As you can imagine,  she is now the talk of the club and to hear the exciting story,  you'll have to ask her! (click on photo to enlarge)

Friday, May 26, 2017

Mushroom May

Niece Katie from Arizona, joined us over Mother's Day to reminisce and establish new memories!  Really, she knew it was morel mushroom hunting season!  I'm always apprehensive because anyone coming to our area for hunting, expect me to right spot where you have to watch your step lest you step on one!  As we drive up the mountain to about 4500 ft.  I'm wondering where do we start?????  As usual, it always starts slow and you begin to wonder if any have popped yet?  Our first stop went very slow until I spotted the first!
Then, Katie spotted several and we were off and running!  We toured 6 areas and at the end of a tiring day, we managed over 6 pounds of beautiful and many large morels!  And at our last stop, she doubled my output.  Of course,  I was 50 years older with old eyes. . .what do you expect from an old man???  She even took a nice box full,  worth about $90 in a store, back home by plane!  And,  wouldn't you know,  they stopped her at check in and opened her carry on - took everything out and eventually passed her with morels!  We waited just in case! The mushroom bug has bit her again and no doubt she'll be back for more!

The next day,  cousin Sharon and her son, Brent, drove to our place from California where they were visiting family along with a graduation.  Sharon is one of two first cousins, still living, on my side of the family.  We enjoyed lots of conversations, a live play,  "Shakespeare in Love" in our theater city! along with local dining treats!  They flew back to O'Hare on Friday and Dan's arrived for more hunting up in the woods!  Not sure how we managed,  but we again found  nice a nice bunch of morels,  eat more morels and continued the tradition!  We enjoy all the commotion but find our hospitality skills are fading!  Thank goodness, everyone understands!  (click on photo to enlarge)

Monday, May 8, 2017


Practice, practice, practice is what you do to make the team and excel!  And when the unexpected happens, all that practice kicks in and you react. . .so quick your almost unaware of what you do.  Derrick loves baseball and has earned  his spot as first baseman.  The other team was at bat and had runners on first and second when the batter hit a line drive down the first base line sure to bring in several runs!  Derrick instinctively responded. . .snagged the line drive fly ball, tagged the runner on first who didn't have time to get back to first,  whipped the ball to the second baseman who tagged the runner off second too far off to get back and Derrick retired the inning in a split second with a TRIPLE PLAY!  WOW!

CONGRATULATIONS, Derrick     You make us all proud!     (click on photos to enlarge)

Monday, April 24, 2017

Back Home Again in Indiana

When all our kids were home,  Sue and Carolyn joined us as family.  Our foster family were older and attracted college age men.  We met Steve from Angola and cultivated a friendship that we have maintained all these years.  He of course,  married another and helped create 3 beautiful daughters.  They all visited us in Oregon when the girls were in hi school.  Every trip back to Indiana,  we visit them and extend this golden friendship!

To our delight,  their daughter, Susan was visiting a close friend in northern California and spent several days with us.  We all had a wonderful time discussing our spiritual journey.  These times are the golden opportunities of life!  Grab them every chance you get! (click on image to enlarge)

Tuesday, April 11, 2017


Roly must have picked up farming from all those trips to Michigan.  He spent many hours in the barns, climbing the beams and chasing the chickens.  Some of that chicken dirt must have stuck to his genes. Can you imagine him, retired, starting a chicken business?  First, the chickens need a place to live.  After hours of research, behold, a Chicken House designed for egg production!  It has special drawers beneath the chickens layered with wire mesh so all the debris can fall on the ground except for the eggs yet still protect the chickens from intruders.  Of course the birds have a screened in porch allowing them outside!  This project has landed at Joe and Holly's place so Evan and Blake get the honors of chicken care.  This begins with fuzzy little babies! Holly now has her school room in the front yard!  If we're smart,  we learn that everywhere we go becomes our school room!  Congratulations to our Texas Chicken Ranchers!
(click on photo to enlarge)

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Toeday in Oregon

The Saga of Esther's toe continues!  This past Tuesday,  was to be the big day to have the pin removed but got a call on Monday that the Doc was sick so Esther had to be rescheduled for yesterday, Friday! Naturally,  it was a huge let down for her, but as you know,  she found some new energy after we eat out at the famous In and Out Burger Joint!  You can now see that the Doc was finally "in" and the 3 inch pin is gone!  Esther can now wear her shoes again!

While we were unloading some groceries after the doctors visit,  Lori came over with these morels found
in her backyard, which is about the size of 4 ping pong tables!!!  We couldn't believe it!  It's the last of March and these beauties were as fresh as they come.  She was weed whacking and could hardly see
them!  I don't hunt anymore under 4000 ft to avoid poison oak!!  If you want morels early, you hunt in the flatter wooded areas about 40 miles from us in public forest areas.  We'll wait until May to get serious about hunting.  I'm not ready yet to dust off my morel hunting equipment!  (click on photo to enlarge) Not an April Fools story! If you come over tonight,  I'll fry them for you!

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Oregon & Michigan Win

Michigan, Arizona met in Ashland just in time for the BIG basketball game and we're all still talking!  In fact we had a great time catching up with families!  Debbie, Keith, Shirley & Jim met Dan in Portland while Debbie & Keith met Brian and Allison in Eugene. They all landed in Ashland  with Lori and us.  Family is always  important and usually fun!  We caught up just setting around and said good bye after a wonderful Mexican 2 hour lunch!  You know, with every hello comes a goodbye! And, the goodbyes are never easy.
(click on photo to enlarge)

Friday, March 10, 2017

TOE BALL Continued

Esther has a new toe ball look and if there was such a game,  she will probably play it in 6 months when the doctor gives the go ahead!  He says, 6 months with careful use of her left foot!  That means no yard work and little house work.  Those of you want out of "housework",  I suggest toe and bunion surgery!

This week the doc removed the staple stitches amid a few twinges! Swelling has gone down and he was well pleased with his handy work!  Because of all the gout tissue removed,  he placed a pin attached to the yellow ball, in her toe for stability.  In 3 weeks he will remove the pin!  In the meantime,  she will need to wear her special shoe which protects for toe stubs and is easy on and off.

She is especially thankful watching me and coaching me on cooking and laundry!!!  And whether your young or old,  when you loose your independence for any period of time,  you become more thankful for those closest to you.  Gratitude is something you cultivate daily and if you do, it will become one of your greatest gifts! (click on photo to enlarge)

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Improving the Walk

A swollen toe took us to a foot doc who was so laid back we almost went to sleep in his office. . .waiting for him to read the X-rays he had
ordered and forgotten!  After another long wait while he joked around with his office staff and wanting another office visit,  we decided to look further for advice on a swollen toe!  Another foot doc miles away approached the toe with caution and insight.  A true professional, he took more x-rays on the spot, explained thoroughly the problem and how
he would recommend the fix!  It was clear to both of us to proceed with foot surgery.  This meant a small cut in the second gout toe and slightly larger cut across the big toe to remove her bunion which was also a problem.

We are now 3 days with hourly care spelled out on a full page of instructions! I'm going to apply for a license in nursing to supplement our income!  So far we are doing quite well although, I'm behind on every 2 hour ice packs,  hourly ankle pump exercises,  every 4 hour pain meds,  rushing bathroom trips, keeping her out of our 4 recliner chairs,  propping up her foot above her heart for circulation. . .I'm working on a pulley from the ceiling with a rope around her ankle to make it easier although it makes it a little uncomfortable for Esther!  If you have any better ideas,  text me!

We are laughing, running, crawling, cleaning and a few more details I won't mention.  But very thankful we're both still here.  God is Great!  (click on photo to enlarge)

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Shoot Out

We went to Jana's over the week-end had a shoot out and took in a Jazz concert! Paul transported Derrick, Lori and I up the mountain to their favorite private shooting range. Actually it is available on a first come basis.  Paul has all the equipment,  a shooting stand, a table to reload,  cases of ammunition and a nice pick up to transport the whole show! Lori and I were the novices.  It was years ago that I shot a gun but wanted to try it again to test my accuracy and know how in case I wanted to try shooting again.  We started our trip in heavy clouds and 30 minutes later drove above the clouds into a beautiful sunshine day.

We tried a bolt action 22 cal. rifle,  then a automatic 22,  then a 22 revolver before Paul allowed us the fun of an AK 47! This automatic rifle packs a wallop! Both Lori and I decided not to try the 12 gauge semi automatic~! But we both managed to hit the targets and even hit small targets that exploded! What fun! It was a grand experience even with all the mud, the set up and take down.  We're both ready to try again.

We also got to view Brady's first car. . .a Chrysler New Yorker with only 80,000 miles!
(click on photo to enlarge)

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Ski Ashland

The allure of skiing never goes away and when you have a beautiful Mt. Ashland within a few miles you just have to see for yourself!

When I was about Lori's age, skiing lured me the day before a 700 mile drive to
San Diego.  It was my last run down the main mountain.  And just entering the home base area,  I twisted my right ankle. There was no question,  I had to get to the car soon and down the mountain home before I couldn't.  The next day while driving on the long trip south, I could hardly move my foot from gas peddle to brake and stopped along the way to purchase an ankle support.  It was a miserable week working.  Needless to say, that was my last ski experience.  But everyone has their day to experience the joy and pain of skiing.

Lori went up the mountain and down the mountain, however, the down side came unexpected.  She had skied most of the day and had just departed from the ski lift.  You soon learn that it takes some experience to learn how to depart from the lift chair and get out of the way since another skier is coming right behind you.  She had gotten out of the way and talking to another skier when suddenly was flattened by an out of control skier.  Their skis caught Lori's ski, twisted both knees, as they both landed in a heap in the snow.
Limping back to the car and back home, we got the news and dug out an old pair of wooden crutches and some left over food as she settled into a comfortable chair for a long night.  It's been about a week now, with  x-rays and an MRI and doctor fitted knee braces and still able to smile. I think she would still recommend skiing to anyone able bodied.  However, she may be entering that stage of life where you rethink your sports life. (click on photo to enlarge)